The Power of Music

Below features, a behind-the-scenes look at my senior thesis!


  Music can act as a brief break from the world that consumes our daily lives. With music you can immerse yourself, leaving reality behind letting your mind relax and be carried by the depths and details of the song gradually dissolving any prior thoughts and worries you once had. Allowing yourself to drift away to another reality, your “happy place” if you may, allowing your surroundings to slowly melt away. As the music can help clear your conscience it can simultaneously become a pure form of inspiration, helping ideas blossom and flow.

           This piece is a visual representation of how music can both help clear your mindset and at the same time inspire you. Starting off focusing on a character trying to work on a personal project in a coffee shop but unable to focus and struggling to manifest ideas for the piece. After putting on their headset and playing her music to tone out her surroundings, the room begins to melt away. Through the use of cel and 2D illustrative animation the coffee shop transitions into her mind space. Starting out being blank and feeling like she is miles away from her work, but as the music progresses and she gradually sorts through her cluttered thoughts and begins to notice her concept coming to life before her eyes. Just in time to end with a shot of her in the coffee shop with her final piece.

           The inspiration for this piece derives from liquid, organic-like movement and the idea of diving deeper into your thought process (like the movie Inception). The main goal of this piece is to have the illustrated “mind space”, tell the journey of the character while also remaining abstract, not keeping it too specific to any one element. Ultimately making it so that a wide range of people can relate and resonate with their personal experiences with music.


Character Test




Logo Resolves


Clif Bar